technorati love

I feel very bad about my blog, it went to a pr2 then sprang back to zero. eekk. luckily my scrapkitty url is a 3. anyways, I've seen a lot of my online friends do the technorati thingy, It's been awhile since I've accessed that site. so I finally joined the bandwagon hehee. pls. add me to your lists, I will be so happy to fave you guys, too... just comment here with your technorati address, mine's, so let's get the ball rolling! I'll update again tomorrow... love you, guys!!


marie said...

I hope you're feeling good now. There's a tag waiting for you at my dotcom.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kitty,
Just popping on over to wish you a great Wednesday and that I hope you are feeling better! Huggles

Anonymous said... here's mine! i added you in my fave i hope you do the same! Hihi mwah!

Anonymous said...

if you're linking to other sites that google thinks uses PPP or any other advertising, or if you link to sites that are PR0.. google will take away your high ranking and give you 0.... that's what they do to penalize sponsored blogs. parang ako.. from 3 to 0.. INIS!!!

Jais said...

I should prolly join in all the fun as well. I hope you're feeling well now... miss yah!

Anonymous said...

aloha! hehe i stumbled here from pinkrose's blog and i added you to my techno faves. pls add me too!!
