The world mourns...

Yesterday was a sad one for millions and millions of people worldwide. We had 2 great losses namely Farrah Fawcett who died hours before Michael Jackson. Can you believe it, two icons in one day? The passing of the two just saddens me so much, as well as for the whole world... Farrah died at teh age of 62 from her battle of Cancer, while Michael died from Cardiac arrest.

All we have ever talked about yesterday was about them two. Michael's music just went on and on in all radio stations to pay tribute to the king of pop himself. my sister-in-law texted me 'Michael J is dead. RIP' I was like whoah who? Michael Jordan??? so I went straight to the computer and looked up online 'Michael Jordan is dead' so I was like, how come there's no breaking news or anything? there's gotta be something. This is huge! I logged onto Twitter and sure enough everybody was talking about MICHAEL JACKSON. Michael? as, in Michael Jackson?? It was hard to believe, c'mon - It's Michael Jackson!

I grew up loving his music (we all did), me and my brother loved his Moonwalker movie very much, all that songs that makes you wanna dance all day... I still watch it on Youtube every now and then. hey, Michael was indeed a controversial star but he's an icon we will truly never forget. He started when he was very young with the Jackson 5, and from there just maintaining his iconic status for decades is really something else. he captured the hearts of billions of people through his music. Every time I listen to his songs you get that good feeling vibe all the time.

On my way to work, stations had been talking about him non-stop, playing his music one request at a time from fans who called the radio stations. One caller said she doesn't believe that Michael is dead. The dj asked 'so you still believe in conspiracy?!' then the caller explained that maybe Michael and other icons in history like for example Elvis Presley are all in their private secluded island relaxing and sipping their favorite drinks, who knows They probably paid someone to have their own death certificate so they can go on with a peaceful life. I'm like, are you for real? but seriously, we would like to think of the positive things instead of bad. We don't want our fave stars to go away, so we think of all kinds of conspiracies so those stars remain with us forever. Wherever they are right now, I hope they find the peace and contentment within the arms of our Lord. Let's pray for the children and for the whole Jackson family...

No wonder a few days ago, I read on Yahoo that MJ's children had finally been unmasked, to tell you the truth I only saw what they looked like a few days ago but I saw some of their pics online like early Feb. 2007, according to the article Michael finally unmasked the children because he wanted them to grow a normal life not like he did. Who knew that it was one of his hints that he was about to go? so sad, don't you think?

Up until now, I still can't believe the king of pop had finally said good bye. His name and music will forever be remembered.... prayers go out to Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett and their familes, may they rest in peace...

choosing the right one

A few months ago we switched to another car insurance because the previous one wanted us to pay our premium $1,750 for 6 months!! isn't that like, insane? There was no way we're paying for that, so the husband went on and searched for the right car insurance and we're soooo blessed because we got a call one day and we got approved! so happy because we're paying for such a cheap price right now, and the services is much better than the other one we had, such a big difference! so if you guys are having a hard time looking for a new car insurance maybe you might check out you just might get lucky today.

books galore

Can you believe I'm reading about what - 4 books at the moment? hahaa, I know soooo exaggerated! I was almost done with the single white vampire, took a break from that since there was a lot of adult action in it, a bit funny though. next, is the people of sparks, I watched the city of ember last year and I haven't read the books but I truly loved the movie, so I thought maybe I could give it a go, so instead of starting in the first book I went to the second just being eager to find out what happened next. not only that I started reading the 4th book, diamond of darkhold. I'll read the prophet of yonwood last. yep, I'm a sucker for stories like that, so if you know any kind of similar stories like the ember series maybe you can tell me about it :).

diet pills

I'm currently reading diet pill reviews. I know, I know - don't get me wrong I have tried so many fad diets which didn't work in the past including the pill, but you know I'm still on the look out for the right one, I just have to be extra careful and I need to read a lot especially nowadays there are just a lot of diet pills popping out everywhere but always remember that every pill is unique and It depends on our body types so choose wisely and ask your doctor before taking anything. now let me get back to reading some reviews, hopefully I can see something right for me.

eww, cobwebs!

hehee, not at my home that's for sure. I meant this blog. It's been like, what - 2 weeks? since my last post? goodness. sorry for not keeping in touch. I am soooo busy with my offline life, it's not like before when my son wasn't with us, I can go online 24/7 - no kidding! you know, when you get home from work, you just don't have the knack to open your computer and update some stuff, I do miss my internet on my phone I can just whip it out and start typing, like my own personal mini computer. I had to block the internet from my phone, coz we are cutting back on a lot of stuff If we want to move. so no mobile web for me until we get back on track again. anyways, this blog definitely saddens me, partially my fault because I don't really keep tabs on it anymore, I don't return visits (you guys know why, so sorryyyy) I really want to give up blogging for quite a long time, but I already told myself that won't be happening. I've made some great friends from blogging, we do keep in touch even offline and I'm happy I have met them (thank you, guys!) I'm just keeping a low profile for now, A lot of people get sick all the time, I am so happy we don't really get sick often, when a cold starts we try to prevent it as soon as possible so we don't get sick for a long time. like me for example I do get sick every now and then, but that's my allergies and it only lasts for a day, drink plenty of fluids and a long rest - the next day I'm feeling great again. unlike some people, they don't get sick often but when they do it will be weeks of rest for them. One factor I also avoid is spending a lot of time online, on the computer. a few years back when I was always online I did get sick all the time, and it really took a toll on me. but now spending less time online does justice for me. I don't know, it works for me. that is also a reason I only have 1 blog to maintain, I can't imagine myself handling 5 to 8 blogs! @__@ there is no way I can do that. speaking of blogs, I am going to revamp the this and that online blog, It badly needs a facelift! even this main blog of mine... ok, I gotta go I just wanted to let you all know what is happening to me at the moment I might just enable the mobile blogging from my phone, too so I can still blog while I'm away from my pc.

best travel deals

Will you look at that? how time flies when you're having fun, huh? Of course, with summer coming up and a lot of people out there are planning for their summer get aways, how I want me and my family to travel somewhere during the summer, that would be a lot of fun! but we're on a tight budget right now and we promised ourselves not to overspend while we can. we need to save money because within a few months we are moving to the mainland and we need to get everything settled while we still have time. It's useless for us to travel somewhere at the moment, we'll need to save it for later. If you are planning to go somewhere for this upcoming summer, you might need to check out for the best travel deals, It's nice getting some discount when you travel because you will do anything to save money. travel wise always, as I may say.