I know I am. because I am still considering on purchasing my own web host for my personal site. You know, I really love owning my own little home on the web, back in 2004 When I was still starting I didn't really know how to start with everything. I am very glad I met some good wonderful friends online who helped me with all of it. a friend gave me my own mini web host, which was really cool. a year after I decided not to renew it anymore because I was afraid I would lose interest in it someday, I don't want to waste precious money, you know me. I kinda admit I miss having my own web host, I am thinking of owning a little business online, and by starting with that you can always go to http://www.webhostingchoice.com, It's an ultimately free guide for all your web hosting needs. It's either for a personal or business site of yours you can always type in the best qualifications you are looking for. There are thousands of results out here in the web. And here's what's cool, all the newbies out there, you can always learn from their quick start guide that can help you learn the basic steps of web hosting. Don't forget to read their FAQ page for all those unanswered questions of yours, I remember When I was new on the net I was completely clueless about everything. Now you can search for your very own web host, may it be for a small site or a large one for a business you have. try their searchable directory now and you won't be sorry.
searching for web hosts?
Tuesday, January 01, 2008 Posted by kitty at 1/01/2008 01:12:00 PM