
I opened ppp today and guess what??? It's raining opps, people! woohoooo It's been a long time since I've seen opps like these, sooo many @__@ and the pay is good per post, too... I am just hoping It won't get rejected. I am sooo mad at myself, you know why? I just finished one opp then all of a sudden I just realized after refreshing the page that I forgot to enclose the custom tracking image. rats! so now I know It'll be rejected for sure, I tried finding the opp right away, but it was gone, nooooo 10 bucks down the drain! ugh.. why oh why... oh well, I'll chat with you guys tomorrow since I'm off.. ta-ta for now! thank you all for the comments from my halloween video hahaha, anyway I'll be brewing up something here in my humble abode.. (witch laugh here)

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