Beauty regimens

I don't have perfect skin, to tell you the truth. I have scars left by that horrible chicken pox! I was 16 then and It was terrible! But of course after I had it I had to accept it and move on, what else is there to do? have plastic surgery? HA! I wish. But of course no matter what, you need to love your skin ALWAYS. I just pamper my skin by taking care of it 24/7. What ticks me off are blackheads. Pretty sure you loathe them, too. Not surprising why everybody hates them. Those tiny black hairs just ruin your day! They're so irritating to look at. There are lots of ways getting rid of blackheads and there are creams out there to help you with that. I've given up on creams because they worsen blackheads based on experience, I don't know about you maybe creams work for you, It probably depends on skin types. What I do to maintain healthy skin is to wash my face with warm water to open up my pores and pat my face dry. Then I use a Fine Loop extractor to push out the blackheads gently without scarring my face. After that, I wash my face with cold water to close the pores. I feel fresh after doing this, It minimizes oily skin and you'll have a fresh, clean and clear face. It's also better than those nose strips that hurts so bad!