
Yep, that's moi! I've always been a bag-a-holic ever since I was in high school. I am obsessed with bags, period. I really don't care if they're cheap and no-name brands as long as I love the design and It goes perfectly well with my outfit, I'm all for it! Everyday, I see women strutting in their favorite designer bags like Coach, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Fendi, Michael Kors, Chanel, you name it - because I know a fake when I see one. I can't be too judgmental either, because I have nothing against fake designer bags. It's your personal choice, you know. When my sister-in-law and I visited LA Fashion district a few months ago, I was totally blown away with all the fake designer handbags worth $20.00 each, and I'm like DANG! I was tempted to buy but I stopped myself. I don't want to be bombarded with questions if it is a fake or not, It's just not worth it. I can't blame people why they go for fake labels either, It's just too pricey! But if you think about quality over quantity, Then you'll know which is better. Some say fakes do look tacky on a person, but I figured It's the way you handle yourself, not every body can look good with a fake designer handbag. ;)

Since hubbykins bought me a Coach bag from Las Vegas last year (yes, that's a splurge for me) he promised me that he'll buy me another one some day, Only next time It's another designer bag. I am obsessed with bags, people - but I know my limitation... if you know you can't afford it - DO NOT MAX OUT YOUR CREDIT CARD! The temptation will always be there so be sure to fight it as long as you can. So far, I hadn't done anything crazy yet, thank God. Once in awhile, It's also good to pamper yourself. Give yourself some lovin' and treat yourself with something that you really like. We're not rich, but I know in due time with patience and faith, rewards will come pouring in.

I also decided to save. Every penny counts. If you are very eager to own a designer bag, save some money each month until you can afford to buy yourself the most affordable designer handbag that you want. :) Trust me, patience, faith and reward...

Every one of my co-workers own Louis Vouitton bags, like The Artsy MM, Tivoli Gm and The speedy 35. I guess once in awhile It is ok to splurge on yourself especially when you really deserve a job well done, right?

So, I just updated my wishlist on designer handbags below. :)

I'll be aiming for a Gucci or LV the next time. (crosses fingers)


Lin said...

nice kit! kaso sometimes sobrang dami nang mgandang purses nakakalito tuloy anong masgusto lolz.