tag happy

a tag from sweet Sherica and Rad...

7 Truths About Me

1. I am very anal about opened closets or doors, or when my toes aren't inside the blanket, I just hate it I don't know why.

2. I easily get jealous when it comes to friends. I looked up the astrology of my sign and birthdate, it's true. =/

3. I am a cry baby. no kidding.

4. I am a very moody person. (I guess you all know that by now)

5. I hate people who wants me only when they need something.

6. I'm not really comfortable being called "maganda" or "sexy" coz seriously I'm not.

7. I still love sleeping with a hotdog pillow. =P

I wanna tag: Yen, Lutchi, Sandra, JennyR, Liza, Joyce, JennyL, Agring, Kuku and Marie.


Joyce said...

will do this in a little bit sis thank you..muah .