poor dolphins

man, I just finished watching 'Heroes' star Hayden P. in a video about a dolphin protest at yahoo today. I am so badly hurt why they have to continue catching and killing dolphins. I know some might not even care about this but it really stabbed my heart, I really feel what Hayden's feeling right now... eversince I watched that dolphin hunt video from Japan a long time ago, it struck me so bad to see how they killed them, waters were deep red from the killing, I cried so bad in front of my computer for that was my first time watching such animal cruelty.. oh my, I know how people struggle from starvation.. but killing dolphins? I don't know... I just feel so sad when I watched that video today, especially how the japanese fishermen where shooing away the protesters in surfboards. Why don't they have a law for that? I just wish one day they can feel whatever they do to Dolphins. I'm sorry, I'm just filled with anger and sadness right now. but what can we do? =( I wonder what's next, human flesh in the market. ugh.