When I started on the net a few years ago I discovered blogging as a great healthy tool to express yourself wholeheartedly. I myself was very quite contented when I found out about blogging. I gained a lot of friends online because of this, and not just any friends but great friends, they are more like my sisters for real inspite the fact we've never met yet. With all the connections with them, I really feel special being invited with pretty good things, like for example is this paid blogging. I've never had the courage to do paid blogging since I was invited last year, I was completely curious about it but never had the chance to ask anyone about it. I had a lot of questions in mind, not to mention thinking about it every night, trying to convince myself to give it a go. I was scared that I might run out of time for it, what I'm trying to say is I'll probably have no time to do it because of me being a working mommy, but then I asked hubbykins about it and he told me to give it a try. I have been a porud member for a few months now, and it helps me earn a little extra treat for the family. One of these great paid blogging sites is Smorty, and I may say it's pretty good working with them, their pay is reasonable if you add them all together, it can really give you extra $$$. Smorty is great if you ask me, and it's one of the great paid blogging sites out there and I'm not going to give up on it. You're not obliged to do the assignments right away, well of course it's up to you if you want to accept or decline it. You can seriously get paid for blogging if you love to blog, but before joining this awesome site, you have to have a blog first. must be indexed by google and yahoo, and it has to be older than three months, doesn't contain hate related, adult or any violent contained subjects. get paid to blog and at the same time enjoy your time doing it, you have all the advantages, there is nothing to lose. You are doing the things you love and earning money at the same time. come on and register now, It's free!
Smorty is love
Thursday, December 06, 2007 Posted by kitty at 12/06/2007 10:32:00 AM