pls help me...

friends, I really need all your prayers right now for I just talked to my brother's doctor awhile ago and they needed to talk to us on the 29th in the afternoon, I think it's very serious since according to the doctor a lot of tumors are popping up all over his body. They won't tell us the plan so I know it's pretty serious that they talk with the whole family. oh, God help us... we can't really bear the pain right now... =(


CHIKAI ♥ said...

Will include him in my prayers sis... {{hugs}}

Gracie said...

He will be in my prayers, Kitty.
Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Will definitely include your bro in my prayers,kitty! {cyber hugs}

HiPnCooLMoMMa said...

will include him in my prayers too. hang in there, let's just hope for a miracle. let's also put in mind that the Lord knows what is best.

Mommy Lutchi said...

hey Kitz,I will inlude him in my prayers too. God is merciful and will all pray that will recover. TC