pet lovers reunite

Eversince birth I was a pet lover, and will always be. unfortunately I don't have any pets of my own at the moment. maybe someday, it's too expensive to have a pet in the house right now because of all the expenses we're having, especially our condo doesn't allow it, it's agains't condo rules. I still enjoy reading pet blogs, browsing for animal pictures and watching animal planet on tv. I have found a great website, it's a pet community where everyone can share their pets online. not only that, this Pet Social Network helps everyone that has pets or if you are willing to have a pet this site is great because they share tips and products, as well as videos and pictures and a lot more information on pets. but this is not just any pet community, Zootoo has a mission and it's for a great cause, As long as you use your account by posting photos, reviews and all other discussions you accumulate posts and from there you can help them dedicate points to various causes such as the Zootoo House Shelter Makeover program. We can all help by participating, each click and each point makes a difference in a pet's life.

Find people that you can interact with, have fun and at the same time help the site with it's main goal, to help pets around the world. Zootoo is free, you aren't obligated to any charges. They have different promotions that help shelters and rescue groups around the country, they donate up to $1 million to a deserving community shelter. So, pet lovers come join Zootoo the best online pet community and let's all help save the animals out there! remember, you don't need to have a pet in order to join.