So, Nate lost his tooth last friday (02-26-10). That day was also his dental appointment. Since he has One tooth growing in the back on one of his lower front teeth They have to take out two! So we found out that we're supposed to pay $282 for Monday's estimated co-payment. But lo and behold, A few minutes later She told us that If we can accept the Monday appointment Since somebody cancelled, She can Waive the $175. God is so great! What a blessing! Thank you, God!
It costs about $39 per tooth, It's Minus one so It's all good! We were so happy because our payment was cut in half, yaaayyy!
I really believe in good karma. When you love one another and do good things to others It always comes back to you. :)
One tooth down!
Sunday, February 28, 2010 Posted by kitty at 2/28/2010 06:33:00 PM 2 comments
spice it up
We're not talking about food here, just to let you know. I'm just reading some extenze reviews that are specifically for men. Not that we need it right now but we just want to gather some information about these stuff. It's good to read reviews before you purchase a product, that way there will be no regrets in the end. When you know there is a problem between you and your significant other, A few reviews of the product might be helpful to solve the problem and also save your marriage. Great, Isn't it?
Posted by kitty at 2/28/2010 06:14:00 PM 0 comments
weight lose update
So It's almost 5 months since I joined the gym. So far I have lost a total of 32 lbs. Hubby is doing great as well, he has lost a lot of weight and is under 200 lbs now. I am so proud of him. We have switched to a healthy lifestyle and We are never going back to what we were before. Hubby is a total gym addict now, You can call him a gym freak (LOL). When I work middle shift on some days, he usually goes to the gym in the mornings after dropping the kids off at school. Then in the afternoon after I work I go and fetch him at home and we both go the gym. It's a lot of hard work losing weight, but the result gives you an amazing feeling. I do cardio most of the time, preferably the elliptical, stationary bikes and treadmill. I do miss my kickboxing and cycling classes, Their times are different from my work schedule so I can't really go. On some days I make sure I lift weights for all parts of my body. I can feel the sides of my waist being a bit hard when I touch it. My thighs and legs are beginning to have muscles, too. When you're exercising, I think It's better to take some kind of supplement like that quick trim weight loss supplement those Kardashian Sisters are promoting on TV. It will probably make you lost weight fast, any supplement out there needs exercise in order to work. But always make sure to ask your doctor before taking anything, just in case. ;)
Friday, February 26, 2010 Posted by kitty at 2/26/2010 08:13:00 PM 0 comments
Spring break
Well, It's almost here! My Sister-in-law is planning for a trip to San Francisco. I am excited, but we're not really sure if we are going, though. Hubby suggests we just go to Disneyland again :). Well, There will be always a time to visit San Fran anyway, we are not in a hurry. By the way, Nathan is doing great with his school. Everyday, we practice him with his reading fluency and each day he reads more words per minute. We also time him for adding and subtracting facts up to 12. So far, He is doing pretty awesome, thank God. Kudos to my husband and SIL for keeping up with him, most of the time I'm at work and I only help him with his homework 2 days in a week since those are my days off. It's about 12:05 am. I need to get some shut eye, I'm pretty darn tired, I feel like a vegetable but before anything else, I need to head on over about this LSAT prep, It just might help me someday, even you - who knows.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Posted by kitty at 2/24/2010 09:40:00 PM 1 comments
Cancelled Shamu show
How tragic, A trainer was killed by Sea world's orca whale. Because of this, They really have to think about keeping Large ocean predators in Marine themed parks. Read more at Sign on San Diego.
For me, I think It's better if they just showcase the whales the way they are and not associate people into the waters along with them. We all know any wild animal trained or not would definitely defend itself If it's vulnerable to any harm coming It's way. We don't know how animals think. Scary isn't it? Even those cute dolphins! There are also reports of dolphin attacks Just about anywhere in the world. And to think I was raised in believing They wouldn't hurt a single soul. But I don't blame them, Any creature of this world would always have a chance to act differently at a certain time. We just need to be very careful.
Posted by kitty at 2/24/2010 09:16:00 PM 0 comments
shoo, wrinkles!
I know, I know... We all hate wrinkles, That's what we all say! So, WHAT is the best solution to that? I say BE HAPPY! Just kidding (LOL) but It's true, smiling is better than frowning, you know. But if You are into gels, creams and whatnot - Then an anti wrinkle face cream is better for you. I've never tried any of those face wrinkle creams, do they really work? I don't know, I swear if I start to see one wrinkle on my face, I'll probably be joining the anti-wrinkle bandwagon, shouting go wrinkle cream go!
Saturday, February 20, 2010 Posted by kitty at 2/20/2010 07:28:00 AM 1 comments
no more wrinkles, please!
There is one thing more thing most people out there are scared of, besides from death - is aging! I myself can admit that. A few days ago, As I was reading some celebrity news I just realized one of my favorite actresses who is about 1 year older than me has crows feet! Just a few years ago Her face was so refreshing and young, but now with all that make up on her face, It seems she had aged a few years. It couldn't even hide her flaws. I felt bad for her because, c'mon she's a celebrity! With her money, she can have all those expensive anti aging face face creams out there. I looked at myself in the mirror, Thank God - no crows feet! yikes. Being a celebrity can be quite hard no matter what age you are. Stressing out can be bad for your health and your skin, So we need to take good care of it while we can. ;)
Posted by kitty at 2/20/2010 07:10:00 AM 0 comments
Very proud :)
Celina, her mom and her brother just got home... and guess what??? She won lots of awards and Their decathlon team won for the state championship, So they are going to Sacramento!! I'm so happy for her and her team. They have worked so hard and they deserved that. I am very privileged to see Her and her brother grow up, It's a very special feeling, you know. :) I'm hoping my son would do the same as well some day, although I am not expecting much from my son but I know he would do well in school and he'll be special in his own way. My son is very creative, he enjoys drawing and coloring and He aces his spelling quizzes all the time. Just seeing those 100% signs written on each paper he brings home just brings joy to our hearts. He reminds me of me, at that age I was in spelling bee contests all the time and brought home medals. I think It was the only thing I was best at besides from art. We try to give our best attention to our son because we know he will have the benefit of doing much better in school. Since I work, my husband usually helps our son do his homework making sure he does everything and not miss anything. When I get home I double check everything again. My sister-in-law is very happy because her children just gives her the best honors ever. It sure takes a lot to be one happy, proud parent. ;)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 Posted by kitty at 2/17/2010 08:06:00 PM 0 comments
my weight loss journal
I just realize this blog has been turned into my very personal weight loss journal. I was planning on making another blog for that, But I was thinking since everyone comes here anyway I decided not to make one anymore. I love documenting everything that has happened to me. so far, It has been great and I appreciate for my friends coming by once in awhile to see what's up with me. It doesn't really matter if you comment or not,Like me - I usually lurk around my favorite blogs and I rarely comment or drop a tag. The same thing with you guys, I don't expect anything from anyone. Keeping this journal gives me the benefit of keeping my memories alive. When I need something that I don't remember I usually just visit my blog and look at my archives. Anyways, back into the weight loss subject. Back in 2004 I tried a weight loss pill and I lost a few pounds but after stopping, I gained it all back. It was entirely my fault, I totally stopped exercising and didn't maintain my weight. My friend at work once took hydroxycut and she told me that she did lose her belly fat! It was completely flat. I was amazed by the result, but didn't bother taking it anymore. I was thinking that every person is different you know, It might not work for you but It just might work on me.
Monday, February 15, 2010 Posted by kitty at 2/15/2010 04:32:00 PM
almost there...
But not quite. Not yet. What am I talking about? Well, It's all about how to reduce stomach fat. Yeah, I think we all need to do this, especially me, I'm not getting any younger. Most of my co-workers are telling me that they regret it not losing weight before they reached their thirties, now It is so hard for them to lose the belly fat. I don't want to be like that, not in a million years! So, While It's early I need to lose weight as much as I can in a about a year, I'm taking my time. I enjoy going to the gym along side hubby and we are doing a great progress! I have lost a total of 30 lbs. and I am so proud of it! Hubby lost about 50 lbs now, he had a huge belly but now I can see his ribs now, hopefully I can say bye-bye belly fat in no time.
Friday, February 12, 2010 Posted by kitty at 2/12/2010 08:18:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: gym, weight loss
OH MY GOODNESS!!! part 2
If you were a long time follower of my blog, You probably know about THIS post of mine way back then. Today, after arriving from LA, Hubby told me about the news he received. We are so upset about this situation. I can't believe when they found that van that day they didn't even bother fixing it - after all, we did give them the confirmation that we are not responsible anymore for the said vehicle since we traded it in at the dealership around march 7, 2007. It's just plain ridiculous, now after almost 3 years we receive a news that we are being sued? That's plain wrong. My hubby contacted them and they informed him to write a check for a payment for some kind of cancellation fee and write a letter of explanation plus documents for proof that we are telling the truth, That we did trade it in 2 weeks back. When we found out about that, Hubby wanted to sue badly, but since we are very GOOD people, We decided to just forget about it and move on.
Posted by kitty at 2/12/2010 07:38:00 PM 1 comments
purchasing a home
Buying a new home is pretty impossible at this time. We still have to wait and make sure everything falls into place. All we have to do is wait for the right time. Buying a home is not easy, You need to make sure that It will be the best thing ever because Once you buy it - It will be hard to turn back. You need to make a list of everything you need to consider when Purchasing a home. I was thinking maybe that's why we didn't buy a house in Hawaii because maybe It wasn't meant to be. I am pretty sure we will find a home that's perfect for us, We might not find it today, but We will find one for our growing family soon. Well, there are Dallas homes for sale at, I want to go check it out and see what they got, Maybe you should, too.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010 Posted by kitty at 2/09/2010 06:39:00 PM 0 comments
a slingbox?
To tell you the truth I really didn't know this gadget existed. But why am I so surprised? Most of the gadgets today are pretty cool and makes our lives more easier every day. I'm a gadget person, So is my husband - so whenever a new gadget comes out We get really excited because nowadays we need to be smart in purchasing the best electronics out there that can help us in the easiest ways. Look at this Slingbox, I am thinking of getting this for hubby. What do you think? My husband loves his T.V., He is so glued to it, I'm telling you. This makes a great gift for those TV lovers out there. Pretty cool, huh?
Posted by kitty at 2/09/2010 05:21:00 PM 1 comments
As a kid, We had lived in houses that had peeling paint almost in every room. Me and my brother would peel them off until my mom told us to stop. I think I had chewed some myself, I wasn't quite sure. We didn't know much about the harmful stuff it can do to us especially for younger kids! Just thinking about it just gives me the creeps. If we weren't aware of these conditions we would end up having mesothelioma. Scary, isn't it? That's why when we were in Hawaii, the condo unit had peeling paint close to the vent, and I caught my son peeling it off. I was so alarmed but I knew he didn't ingest any of it, thank God. We took care of it as well as the other walls inside the unit. We just have to very careful especially in older homes that were built long time ago. Not like today, most homes are free from Asbestos, thank God for that.
Monday, February 01, 2010 Posted by kitty at 2/01/2010 08:20:00 PM
never ending to-do list
I don't know about you but I can't seem to finish my to-do tasks. Are you the same? pretty much, huh. I make a long list of to-do's on my phone and little blank pieces of paper but I couldn't seem to get them finished. Here's some of it:
- Organize computer files (delete, organize and back up)
- download more scrap freebies (hoarder!)
- Organize scrap kits (and back up)
- Organize closets
- finish Gully's website
- upload more pictures on facebook
- scrap, scrap, scrap!
- update blogs (revamping time)
- finish the pixel site
- visit blogs!
- study Japanese and spanish
- Organize our bill statements
Well, that wasn't so much, was it? I can't imagine myself doing all of this in one day. I have split days off and when I am finally off We have stuff to do as a family. SOOOOOOO busy! Oh well, let me just read about this MWF filter that I saw at Who knows we might just need it someday, or maybe you need one yourself.
Posted by kitty at 2/01/2010 08:06:00 PM 3 comments
weight loss update :)
OK, It's the 1st of February and we all know It's the month of hearts once again! and LOVE will surely be every where. (sigh) It's been 4 months now since I started working out so far, I weighed in at 223 today using the GYM's scale, I probably weigh less than 223 since I have all my clothes on as well as my shoes. That's a total of 25 lbs. lost. It's really hard to lose weight, sometimes It goes down and sometimes you gain it back, It takes weeks before you lose a pound! But It's alright, I am taking my time, since It's better that way than losing weight dramatically, right?
Me and hubby were at the Hospital this morning for his blood test and while waiting for his turn we were talking about babies.. hehee, BABIES - I know! He told me that he wants to at least have 2 more kids and this time We'll probably have shorter age gaps this time. We'll just have to be settled first, It's hard being pregnant when you are living on other people's homes, You don't want them to be burdened by you especially when you have your pains (ouch). I promised hubby as long as I'm slim and healthy I can be pregnant. A lot of people kept on telling me why wait later when you can get pregnant right now, then lose the weight later. I'm like helloooo.... I don't want to add any more weight. I am heavy as it is and I don't want to risk my pregnancies for being too overweight, It's better to be safe than sorry.
Anyhoo, I'm so excited to tell you guys that I finally can fit into my size L shirts! yayy! I remember back in October my hubby's cousin gave me a size L shirt but it didn't fit me! I swear I couldn't breathe and I had a hard time taking it off, too. Then we went to the Nike factory outlet in Las americas, We bought 2 shirts there that was on sale, one XL and one L. Boy, I was dismayed to find out that the size L didn't fit me at all. It was a waste because I couldn't take it back anymore due to the fact that I ripped the tag off. Just great. One night, I took the one of the size L shirts and tried it to see if there was any change at all and I was amazed how it fitted me so well! I felt like the heavens opened up and the angels started singing. yes, I was that surprised. You may not notice it yet but my waist kinda trimmed down, and when I wore my skinny jeans yesterday I finally realized I needed to wear a belt now. amazing.
So if you are losing hope on losing weight, Please hang on as much as you can. We just need that little bit of motivation from friends and family, and keep on telling yourself that YOU CAN DO IT! Don't let people judge you and always be positive in life. So say it with me - We can do this!
Posted by kitty at 2/01/2010 06:53:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: gym, hubby, me, weight loss