weight lose update

So It's almost 5 months since I joined the gym. So far I have lost a total of 32 lbs. Hubby is doing great as well, he has lost a lot of weight and is under 200 lbs now. I am so proud of him. We have switched to a healthy lifestyle and We are never going back to what we were before. Hubby is a total gym addict now, You can call him a gym freak (LOL). When I work middle shift on some days, he usually goes to the gym in the mornings after dropping the kids off at school. Then in the afternoon after I work I go and fetch him at home and we both go the gym. It's a lot of hard work losing weight, but the result gives you an amazing feeling. I do cardio most of the time, preferably the elliptical, stationary bikes and treadmill. I do miss my kickboxing and cycling classes, Their times are different from my work schedule so I can't really go. On some days I make sure I lift weights for all parts of my body. I can feel the sides of my waist being a bit hard when I touch it. My thighs and legs are beginning to have muscles, too. When you're exercising, I think It's better to take some kind of supplement like that quick trim weight loss supplement those Kardashian Sisters are promoting on TV. It will probably make you lost weight fast, any supplement out there needs exercise in order to work. But always make sure to ask your doctor before taking anything, just in case. ;)