shoo, wrinkles!

I know, I know... We all hate wrinkles, That's what we all say! So, WHAT is the best solution to that? I say BE HAPPY! Just kidding (LOL) but It's true, smiling is better than frowning, you know. But if You are into gels, creams and whatnot - Then an anti wrinkle face cream is better for you. I've never tried any of those face wrinkle creams, do they really work? I don't know, I swear if I start to see one wrinkle on my face, I'll probably be joining the anti-wrinkle bandwagon, shouting go wrinkle cream go!


Ams said...

Hi Kitty! It's been a while since I stopped by to say hello. How have you been?

You know, I am worried about wrinkles as well. I am trying to change the way I think about myself to just accept aging and be happy with who I am. Looking at my mom, she has aged very gracefully and I'm hoping to do the same. Plus I don't want to become one of those botox addicted people who stresses themselves out over the most minor facial line.