been there, done that

Believe it or not, I've been there! losing weight has been one of my greatest challenges and I am still my own chubby self no matter what I do. no motivation and determination. these are the only keys on creating a healthy weight loss plan. without these you'll only gain more and more weight. It's almost 2009, I remembered on losing 13 lbs the first few months but when my brother passed away I wasn't really watching what I ate then, so I packed on the pounds again. I gotta stop this before I blow up more into a hot air balloon. It's not easy, folks. I keep on searching for the right diet, ut unfortunately nothing seems to be working. everything you take must have complete diet and exercise, nothing works like a miracle, people. I guess some diet pills out there works for some people depends on your body chemistry.

read more on how to lose weight at, you got to be careful on what you take, reading helpful reviews will save you a lot, too. don't just purchase any kind you got to know the history and feedback on certain diet products and be sure to consult your doctor first before taking anything.