Ever since I was a kid, I dreamed of being a Fashion designer. I drew clothes every day, And my dad saw my potential and told me to stick with my dreams because someday I might just be one of those fashion designers who own her own clothing line. Don't get me wrong, I love fashion but I'm not that fashionable in real life, I'm just a plain jane who loves to dress comfortably and just wear what I please.
Because my parents separated when I was young, I tucked that dream profession and never went back. Our house was always a mess, plenty of paper everywhere! sketch pads here and there, stacks and stacks of notebooks, bond papers and just about anything we could draw on, my parents kept everything. And since we moved a lot, most of our drawings were lost and got thrown away. It was just so sad because I still wanted to see those sketch pads full of clothes designed by me.
I've always told myself, maybe someday that dream would come true. I would love to own a boutique of my own, I told hubby about that simple dream of mine. I really have to start somewhere, right? Maybe in the near future, I'd like to open my own etsy shop for everything made by me. Pillow cases, bags, picture frames, vases, etc. I love to sew (not very good at it yet), crochet, scrap... I just love everything crafty and artsy. I believe in starting small and maybe later on in life would expand into my very own label. Who knows, right?
It's great to dream, and my life long dream is to have a small, shabby chic-classic boutique full of girly, comfy, warm, organic and affordable stuff that anybody can enjoy. My fave store in Hawaii is the Cinnamon girl boutique. I love that store! That's the kind of boutique I want in the near future, except I will have my own style, of course. Plus, there should be a good name for it, too.
I want to do a lot of my things in my life, you know. Like finish college, That's another thing. When time permits, I'll find the time to make it happen. I'm also thinking of opening up a zazzle.com shop, too. I have so much in my mind I don't know where and when to start...
All I know is... when time comes, and in God's will, It will happen. :)