ack! acne!

I think the worst case of Acne that I had was around 11 years old, I believe. My forehead were covered with lil tiny bumps, sorta resembled like a rash. So anyway, It only stayed for a year and after that, my skin cleared up. I guess every body experiences that going through puberty. What I hate about my skin is once I get too comfortable with a certain acne product, the acne doesn't go away anymore so the only solution is to move on to another product again. It's crazy, I know! I've read about the actress Kristin Kreuk, she's the same way as I am when it comes to facial washes. So far, I'm only prone to acne when I have my daily visitor, my red alert days. Other than that, My skin's ok. As long as I wash my face squeaky clean every day before going to sleep. If you are having problems and store bought acne creams are not working for you, go to to find that right product for you. Not everyone's skin are designed to be the same, so not all creams work for you. Instead you need to find and test the right product for your skin. I do hate acne, I swear - so what are you waiting for? GO!