
I take naps in the morning right after the hubby takes the kids to school. I would take about 2 hours of nap. Usually I end up having weird dreams. They would easily fade away if I don't pay much attention to them. I always dream of lizards for some reason, I hate them! hehee. This morning, I had a weird dream. I was in our old house that we were renting back when dad was still with us in the Philippines. There were strange noises upstairs so I decided to take a peek on one of the rooms, just as I opened it a boy about 10 or 11 was looking outside the window. This boy was pale white! I believed it was a ghost and ran back downstairs screaming. My dream ended then and shifted to a different dream. I don't know who the boy was since I only saw a little bit of his side. My heart was racing in my dream, I wanted to scream so bad. Why do we have dreams anyway? Sometimes dreams can tell you something and tell a bit of your future. DO you guys have recurring dreams, too? Because I do, but that was long time ago. :-/