Spain, baby!

I always loved the idea of going to Spain someday, I asked hubby that one day I hope that we can visit that awesome place. I always daydreamed of strolling around the country, eating at the finest restaurants, enjoying the sceneries, who would say no to Spain anyway? I know I wouldn't. Eversince I was a kid I was always fascinated with art, and Spain just has lots of that, Madrid, is one of Spain's most popular destinations and is well known for their great art Museums. I would like to visit The galleries of famous Museums like the Prado Museum.

I would also love to see the Sagrada Família in Barcelona, majority of my co-workers has been to Barcelona and most of them had seen the breathtaking church. It's very lovely and I really want to see it in personal someday.

If you are planning on taking a week long vacation in Spain, consider the Hotels in Madrid that can be way cheaper than actually going to some real expensive Hotels, It goes the same for Hotels in Barcelona, I think you can really have a great deal with this, so why don't you check out so you can have some fresh ideas on your next trip to Spain. save yourself from high pricey Hotels, you'll thank yourself for it.