I'm so tired hearing this word. But You know what, it will surely help me with my weight loss. I'm just waiting for the hubby to leave in November, after that I'm on my own. That means, I'm all alone now. No Gym buddy. Ugh. I can't even think about it. Once again I need to whip out my handy dandy notebook, It worked before and it will work again.
You see, keeping tabs of what you eat just controls your food intake. I had a notebook with me and I also kept a journal on my Blackberry notepad, keeping track of my weight every day. Hubby bought me a glass digital scale a few months ago and I'm quite happy with the results, better than the old school kind of scale, I sure hated that.
So, since the hubby will be on basic training, I myself will be on my own basic training as well. I want the husband to be proud of me when he sees me, I need to lose more weight so when he graduates from Basic training we might push through our plans with no regret. I just need motivation. More motivation. So good luck to me! :)
My diet will consist of seafood, vegetables, fruits and whole grains. I'll try my best to buy gluten free products, too. I won't be buying junk food anymore, either. Then since I'll be working nights every day, I'll go to the gym in the morning after dropping off the kids. On some days, I'll workout using The biggest Loser DVD called cardio max. I'm just hoping and praying this will work out for me.... wish me luck!
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