Friday Feast

When was the last time you visited a hospital?
- A few weeks ago, had to pick up some prescription medicine for hubby at Kaiser.

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how ambitious are you?
- I admit I was really a bit ambitious. I thought I would be marrying a foreigner, go to a fashion design school... but I would never ever turn back time and re do my whole life coz everything is just perfect the way it is. I love my job (stressful as it is), love my families, my in laws, my hubby for being so supportive, my wonderful son who I get to play with when I go home.. everything in my life is complete the way I see it. thank God for that!

Make a sentence using the letters of a body part. (Example: (mouth) My other ukelele tings healthily.)
- (hand) he's another naughty dream (lol)

Main Course
If you were to start a club, what would the subject matter be, and what would you name it?

- scrapbooking with kitty, I just love scrapbooks and I think it's fun to have a whole club gather in one place and all we do is scrapbooking! just perfect for those nice inspiring days to use all the photos we have to create the best memories ever.

What color is the carpet/flooring in your home?
ugh, polar bear fur (lol) I wish it was more of a dark grayish color so it's not as dirty as it looks (marumi tignan) I hate the color hehee.

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Christinehaze is SC's author said...

cute naman nang Baby mo kitty...I love the layout pala, cute pud hehehehe