curing your cholesterol

A few months ago when my husband had his blood tested, He found out that his Cholesterol was high and he needs to bring it down. So far in a few months he needs to see his doctor again and have another blood test. See, It's very important to have a physical every year, So that we can have early detection of any kind of problems rather than waiting the last minute which is harder to cure. I'll see if I can find a best cholesterol medication for the husband. I am very worried yet I know he is doing a great job right now and eating the right kinds of foods. He goes to the gym and spends at least an hour on the treadmill and also uses the stationery bike and elliptical. Getting 20 – 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day is sufficient to better balance your HDL and LDL cholesterol.

Last monday which is April 5th, I had a talk with my doctor regarding my blood tests. My good and bad cholesterol are so low, which is amazing according to the doctor. Everything is perfect... but I do have Anemia though. Anyways, I'll talk more about that the next time. I am just hoping my husband would have great results for his cholesterol the next time he gets his blood tested.