angry + happy

I'm pissed... because a few days ago my laptop crashed because I clicked on something and took over my whole computer with spyware! wiped out most of my files grrrr.... hubby was about to sleep but I asked him to fix it, he was a bit irritable (of course, who wouldn't?) but he did manage to get up and restore my computer. I actually cried when he told me that everything was wiped out, he teased me after that because I acted like a baby. I cried under the sheets and he was irritated at me for doing that. Well, I do blame myself for not backing up my files and It's a lesson to be learned. Luckily I had back ups of all my family pictures, thank God. What really hit me so bad was all my digital scrapbook files, the hoarded freebie kits and A lot of the kits and elements I bought from my favorite shops - ALL GONE! I do have a back up of SOME kits that I purchased, but A lot of my favorite ones are goooooone! booooo.
Anyhoo, I'm happy because I start work tomorrow at the SD naval base commissary (fingers crossed) I hope my first day would turn out ok. It's a large store like Pearl Harbor commissary and I am very privileged to get to work there. Now, gotta get some sleep! take care and God bless....