
Me and my husband usually chat before we go to bed. It's a habit of ours. We just don't say 'I love you, sweet dreams' and call it a night. We share a lot of our feelings and we always plan everyday and for our future. He's so excited to move to the mainland, of course - so last night, he Started planning that once we get our own home It will the perfect dream house for us. Since we got rid of all the hand me downs from my sister-in-law he wants to have a 4 bedroom home with new furniture in it. When I was watching TV one day this host says that when you buy your dream home and want great furniture in it you must invest on those pieces one by one, don't just buy them all at one time or else you'll regret it. It's a great idea if you ask me, I'd rather buy things one at a time, It will give you an idea on how you want your house to look and from there you'll build a great comfortable home with lovely pieces that you can treasure forever. It's so funny because my husband was having a great time planning on what our home would look like someday, he's even excited to have a Patio so he can have a place where he can grill! Of course when you have Patio furniture you will definitely have to get some patio furniture covers, too. That will protect them from any kind of harsh weather. I want my Patio furniture to be protected so It will last longer, I'm the type of person who values her stuff very much.