my little world

It's 2:30 in the morning and I am here typing this post. Hi, Kit - how are ya? Well, I'm doing just fine, thank you. A lot has been happening and I felt like I was away for too long. I miss my bloggie. I miss the blogworld. I feel like nobody really cares about blogs anymore. Well, number one: There's facebook. I'm on it most of the time. I enjoy posting photo albums of my daily adventures, posting tidbits of what I am doing and Sharing video clips of just about anything. I still value my blog, and I plan on keeping it. It's just so good reading your previous posts from years ago, an online journal is very therapeutic and I will write as long as I live. People might just come by and say a quick hello without reading my stuff, It's still ok... It's partially my fault. I've stopped visiting blogs and stopped commenting as well. So sue me. I had given up my blogging life long time ago. I have a life, too. Sometimes we just need to be in balance. I find it so hard to believe that people can be so addicted to the internet. I still do, but I'm in balance. My eyes no longer hurt from staring at the computer screen, no more headaches either. I am concentrated more on my family and work. I guess that's life....