we're almost done!

Just a list on some things we've done so far within the past week. It's been very stressful but at the same time I am so happy because hubby just works a few hours everyday and he's home most of the time and we spend a lot more time together as a family. awhile ago we went to Jack in the box around 8:30 pm, while he was driving I can surely sense that he was happy and contented. He told me how happy he is for spending more time with us unlike before, because seriously hubby had overtimes almost everyday, we barely speak to each other because by the time he comes home we switch and I go to work. by the time I get home at 11 pm they're both asleep. so sad, huh... but that's life.

We leave Hawaii by Sept. 30th. We're probably going to check in at the Ohana Hotel by the airport which is $109 a night, we check out the next day to board the plane via Hawaiian Airlines. We're going to break our 12 month rental lease, but thank God the owner was so understanding, bless them... We went to Home depot the other day, bought caulk to patch up the hole in the walls. We got rid of quite a LOT of stuff! we made probably $500 from our bulky stuff while others have been donated and sent to the Philippines. There are quite a lot of things I needed to give up... It's so hard parting ways with stuff that's really close to you, that's why it's so important NOT to get too attached to any object.

right now, we still have the bed, the computer table, entertainment center, the living room bulky flat screen tv and some stuff that's really easy to donate later on. I gave away my blue betta fish to auntie Lita, my co-worker, poor lil fishy... The other betta fish will be given around the 24th when auntie Ana comes home from San Francisco. I donated all my photo albums and picture frames, just took all the photos out and bundled them. There's still a lot of things to do, I can't believe we have so much stuff! A lot of it are from my sister-in-law's, so even if we have a small one bedroom unit - there's PLENTY of stuff in here, ooooh yeah! but I can say that we're halfway there, so there is improvement. We had to update our mailing address for our credit cards and other billings.

We started shredding already, and all I'm gonna do now is sort our clothes out and finalize our personal stuff that we're gonna bring. Will sort out the important documents and we'll be cleaning the house non-stop until a new tenant comes in and looks at the unit since they are going to take over the lease. whew! moving is sooooo stressful! I imagine myself being in the military... I know it's worse because they move around every 3 years or so, I don't think I'll fit in that lifestyle.

I'll keep you guys posted on our status, ok.