CREDITS: paper kit from Denise Docherty from designer digitals, title stamp from the web challenge 9-24-06, Dana Zarling, "F" Element and heart doodle from Lisa Whitney, element stitching from Beth Nixon, staples from Valeri Brumfield, font used: susie's hand.
this was taken a week back around Jan. 25 I think, when our family friend bought their grand daughter Autumn with them, I've never seen Nathan so happy! he's so glad to have a playmate. ha haa!
thank you to all those who gave the time to visit my lil scrappin' home here. I am so thank ful to have friends like you guys, even though pixelkitty is gone you guys are still there stickin' with me.. take care! until my next scrap!
Nathan and Autumn
Tuesday, January 30, 2007 Posted by kitty at 1/30/2007 11:25:00 PM 25 comments
mom and me+scartyuna
I edited the "mom and me" layout, this is taken back in 1986 back in Olongapo city Philippines were we live in old cabalan, it brings back memories coz I really had a great childhood back then.
credits: paper by Lauren Bavin, paper from, element lace from Lisa carter, element flower from the Annika's dress kit by Samara Gugler, paper clip from Shabby princess and word art by Tina Chambers.
credits: flower from Bonnie Van esch, Heartitude kit from Brentboone, brush from Andrea Victoria, S alpha from Karen Aicken, Jackie Eckles quote.
I created this as a gift for ate Scart and her lovely daughter. I enjoy creating scraps of friends and their children, so I know how ate Honey feels for making scraps for others, it's fun!
credits: word art by Daniella peuss, sunny days mini kit by Nancie Rowe Janitz, ribbon, gel prong and love gel prong by shabby princess.
Friday, January 19, 2007 Posted by kitty at 1/19/2007 12:23:00 PM 28 comments
mama and Nate
CREDITS: felt flowers from ms. Jenny Limayo, Swirlicious kit from Samara Gugler, stitches from Betty's blog (Everlasting moments designs), B alpha tag and element wireheart from Lauren Bavin.
CREDITS: weekly freebie 12-04-06 from Marcee Duggar, eyelet and corrugated stencil alpha from Valeri Brumfield, word art by Tina Chambers, gold pebble alpha by Lauren bavin.
Friday, January 12, 2007 Posted by kitty at 1/12/2007 08:40:00 PM 19 comments
January LO's
credits: kimlizzy bear and paper, paper by doglover, alpha keys by Natalie, ribbon by correen.
Nathan at an arcade section inside Ward Theatre. he sure loves playing video games, although he wasn't really playing at all, he just loves holding them and pretending he was shooting at the zombies. =)
credits: AJW_christmas set from Scrapbook bytes, and Alpha tags by Teresa.
Mom's first christmas with us.
credits: birthday flowers mini kit by Stacie Prinzo, black and white ribbon by Shabby Princess, Shabby Princess vintage floral paper and pin, celebration summer font by Mada Engel.
my niece Celina with her Zama high school friends in Japan.
Saturday, January 06, 2007 Posted by kitty at 1/06/2007 01:39:00 PM 5 comments