EEEP! I can't believe this!!! My last post was around 7 months ago?? Has it been that long?? I am soooooo sorry, everyone (If there are still people reading my blog) I kinda abandoned my blog for awhile because I was too busy with offline life (as always) and I am sucked into the world of booksie. Don't know what it is? search it and find me! That's where I usually hang out. But I was kinda missing my blog and I need to revamp this one day and promise to stick with frequent blogging. The reason why I went on a little (ok, long) hiatus is because I got so tired of posting here and I needed inspiration elsewhere. I think I need to start scrapping again... I'll tell you guys everything that has been happening for the past 7 months! Golly gee, I can't believe my eyes when I saw the last time I posted. :( terribly sorry for that. It feels good to be back again. Ahh, well to start off my day, I need to check out this website about casters. Hope you guys have a lovely day!!! TE AMO! xoxo Kitty