Macanudo cigars

I remember back in Hawaii, in the Navy housing we had a neighbor who smoked cigars and every time I came home at night from work I would smell it even from afar, it was just horrible. Well, I don't want to sound like a meanie or anything but that's how I feel about cigarettes and cigars. I'm glad the husband doesn't smoke those. If you do have friends or family members who are very fond of cigars, I recommend macanudo cigars, it would be a great gift for any birthday event. Right now, I don't know anyone who smoke cigars in my family so maybe someday when I come across a friend who does, I know where to get the best ones. Okay, I'll talk to you guys later again, I still need to finish some stuff offline. So, see ya guys! :) xoxo kitty

shopping spree for moi

OH MY GOSH! Christmas is just around the corner and do you know what that means? SHOPPING! Endless shopping. Ever since I became a military dependent I have been shopping all the time, well, shopping for some bargain deals that is! Lately I have been sticking to my budget and stopped shopping for awhile. Ever since hubby moved to Colorado our expenses have skyrocketed, he had to buy his own car, pay his own rent, car insurance, etc. While I have my own expenses here, too instead of paying just one rent, you know what I'm saying? That's why for the meantime, we need to slash our bills. So right now, I'm thinking of going to Victoria's secret, because look at what I found! victoria’s secret coupons. oh yea, I'm so happy! I am addicted to VS, for reals! :) Now, I need to check out some great deals so maybe I can use the coupons for some early shopping. WOO HOO! HAPPY SHOPPING TO ME! xoxo Kitty


EEEP! I can't believe this!!! My last post was around 7 months ago?? Has it been that long?? I am soooooo sorry, everyone (If there are still people reading my blog) I kinda abandoned my blog for awhile because I was too busy with offline life (as always) and I am sucked into the world of booksie. Don't know what it is? search it and find me! That's where I usually hang out. But I was kinda missing my blog and I need to revamp this one day and promise to stick with frequent blogging. The reason why I went on a little (ok, long) hiatus is because I got so tired of posting here and I needed inspiration elsewhere. I think I need to start scrapping again... I'll tell you guys everything that has been happening for the past 7 months! Golly gee, I can't believe my eyes when I saw the last time I posted. :( terribly sorry for that. It feels good to be back again. Ahh, well to start off my day, I need to check out this website about casters. Hope you guys have a lovely day!!! TE AMO! xoxo Kitty