moving on

Me and my husband had decided to move to San Diego. I actually cried, you know - I had mixed emotions and up to now I'm really sad leaving Hawaii. We're not sure when yet but time goes by so fast the minute you know it it's time to pack up and go. We're planning on getting rid of the bulk items little by little. I'm thinking about our flat screen tv, when we have our own place hopefully we can buy a better tv stand,something that can hold a lot of things and stylish at the same time. Most of our stuff are hand me downs like the entertainment table and the bed, the sofa bed and quite a lot of things. my sister-in-law really took care of us before they moved to Japan. I guess this is the right time to move on another path, don't you think? everybody needs to move on and we can't stay in one place forever. It's a good thing we didn't buy a lot of stuff or else it will be so hard to get rid of.